The new Second Kapellmeister Justin Pambianchi galvanized the Augsburger Philharmoniker with strong leadership through an exhilarating performance of Adolphe Adam’s ballet.

Renate Baumiller-Guggenberger, Augsburger Allgemeine, 26.11.2019 ("Giselle", Staatstheater Augsburg)


Prize-winning conductor Justin Pambianchi has demonstrated his versatility working in the fields of opera, ballet and instrumental music.

In 2022, Justin received first prize at the sixth edition of the “Ionel Perlea” International Conducting Competition. He also received the orchestra prize and awards from the Bucharest National Opera and the Romanian National Opera Cluj-Napoca. Previously, he held the position of second Kapellmeister at the Staatstheater Augsburg for three seasons, where he led productions of Kiss Me, Kate and Chicago. There, he also conducted performances of Die lustige Witwe, Die Zauberflöte, Don Pasquale, Giselle and many other works as well as family and school concerts.

Justin has served as a répétiteur and assistant conductor for productions at the Glimmerglass Festival (La gazza ladra, Porgy and Bess, Sweeney Todd), Opera on the Avalon (La bohème, The Turn of the Screw), Sarasota Opera (Madama Butterfly, Dialogues des Carmélites, Norma), Oper Leipzig (La traviata, Don Carlo), the Teatro Municipale di Piacenza (Il trovatore) and elsewhere in Canada, the USA and Europe. Justin has collaborated with many conductors, including Joseph Colaneri, Boris Brott, John DeMain and Matteo Beltrami, as well as directors such as Peter Kazaras, Stefano Monti and Michael Cavanagh. Equally at home at the harpsichord, he has played continuo in Handel’s Giulio Cesare (Accademia Europea dell'Opera) as well as in orchestral and chamber works by Telemann, Biber, Campra and other composers.

Justin’s symphonic repertoire spans over 300 years of music and he is a strong advocate of contemporary music. He has worked with Jason Noble, Donald Crockett and Don Freund as well as other composers. He has also conducted in masterclasses under the guidance of Rüdiger Bohn, Antonello Allemandi and Lawrence Foster and is an alumnus of the Embodied Conducting Institute (formerly known as the International Institute for Conductors) and of the European Music Academy.

Justin is an alumnus of McGill University, where he studied composition with Brian Cherney, piano with Ilya Poletaev and conducting with Paolo Bellomia and Alexis Hauser. He has written works for piano, wind sextet, voice and electronics, and more. He went on to complete graduate studies in orchestral conducting at the Cleveland Instituteof Music under the guidance of Carl Topilow. In 2015, he was a recipient of the Ansbacher Fellowship for Young Conductors and in 2022, he was the recipient of a Professional Development for Artists Grant from the Canada Council of the Arts.

Originally from Montreal, Justin is half-Italian and half-Egyptian and speaks four languages. His home is currently in Augsburg.

Justin Pambianchi, jeune chef d’orchestre versatile, a fait preuve de ses habiletés dans les domaines de l'opéra, du ballet et de la musique symphonique.

En 2022, il est lauréat au concours international de direction d’orchestre « Ionel Perlea » où il remporte le premier prix, le prix de l’orchestre ainsi que des prix de l’Opéra National de Bucarest et de l’Opéra National Roumain Cluj-Napoca. Précédemment, il occupait le poste de second Kapellmeister au Théâtre d'Augsbourg, où il a été directeur musical de productions des comédies musicales Kiss Me, Kate et Chicago. À Augsbourg, il a également dirigé des représentations de Don Pasquale, Die lustige Witwe, Die Zauberflöte, Giselle et bien d’autres œuvres.

Justin Pambianchi a été répétiteur et assistant chef d’orchestre pour des productions au Festival Glimmerglass (La gazza ladra, Porgy and Bess, Sweeney Todd), avec Opera on the Avalon (La bohème, The Turn of the Screw), à l’Opéra de Sarasota (Madama Butterfly, Norma, Dialogues des Carmélites), à l’Opéra de Leipzig (La traviata, Don Carlo), au Théâtre Municipal de Piacenza (Il trovatore) et ailleurs au Canada, aux États-Unis et en Europe. Il a collaboré avec plusieurs chefs, dont Joseph Colaneri, Boris Brott, John DeMain et Matteo Beltrami, ainsi qu’avec des metteurs en scène tels Peter Kazaras, Stefano Monti et Michael Cavanagh. Également continuiste, il s’est produit au clavecin dans l’opéra Giulio Cesare in Egitto de Händel (Accademia Europea dell'Opera) ainsi que dans des œuvres de Telemann, Biber et Campra, entre autres.

Son répertoire symphonique couvre plus de 300 ans de musique. De plus, il s’engage beaucoup pour la musique contemporaine et travaille régulièrement avec les compositeurs d’aujourd’hui. Entre autres, il a collaboré avec Jason Noble, Don Freund et Donald Crockett. D’autre part, il a dirigé dans le cadre de cours de maître sous la direction de Rüdiger Bohn, Antonello Allemandi et Lawrence Foster ainsi qu’à l’institut « EmbodiedConducting » en Roumanie et à la European Music Academy en République Tchèque.

Justin Pambianchi est diplômé de l’Université McGill où il a étudié la composition avec Brian Cherney, le piano avec Ilya Poletaev et la direction d’orchestre avec Paolo Bellomia et Alexis Hauser. Il a écrit des oeuvres pour piano, sextuor à vents,voix et bande sonore, et bien plus. Il a poursuivi ses études en direction d’orchestre à la Cleveland Institute of Music sous la direction de Carl Topilow. Récipiendaire de la bourse Ansbacher pour jeunes chefs d’orchestre en 2015, il reçoit également une bourse de perfectionnement professionnel du Conseil des Arts du Canada en 2022.

Fils d’un père italien et d’une mère égyptienne, Justin Pambianchi a grandi à Montréal, parle quatre langues et réside actuellement à Augsbourg.

Justin Pambianchi, giovane direttore d’orchestra canadese, ha dimostratola la sua versatilità sia nell’ambito lirico, sia nell’ambito sinfonico.

Nel 2022 vince il primo premio e il premio dell’orchestra al concorso internazionale di direzione d’orchestra “Ionel Perlea”. Inoltre, riceve premi dall’Opera Nazionale di Bucarest e dall’Opera Nazionale di Cluj-Napoca. Era precedentemente secondo Kapellmeister allo Staatstheater Augsburg, dove ha diretto produzioni di Kiss Me, Kate e Chicago e recite di Don Pasquale, Die lustige Witwe, Die Zauberflöte, Giselle e altri titoli.

Ha lavorato in Canada, negli Stati Uniti e in Italia come direttore assistente e pianista di sala in produzioni al Teatro Municipale di Piacenza (Il trovatore), all’Opera on the Avalon (La bohème, The Turn of the Screw), al festival Glimmerglass (La gazza ladra, Porgy and Bess e Sweeney Todd), all’Opera di Sarasota (Madama Butterfly, Dialogues des Carmélites, Norma), all’Opera di Lipsia (La traviata, Don Carlo) e in altri teatri. Ha collaborato con diversi direttori (quali Matteo Beltrami, Joseph Colaneri, Boris Brott e John DeMain) e registi (quali Peter Kazaras, Stefano Monti e Michael Cavanagh). Si è anche esibito come clavicembalista nel Giulio Cesare in Egitto di Händel all’AccademiaEuropea dell’Opera e in opere sinfoniche e cameristiche di Telemann, Biber, Campra e altri compositori.

Il suo vasto repertorio sinfonico spazia dal classico al contemporaneo. Si è perfezionato presso l’istituto “Embodied Conducting” in Romania e presso la “European Music Academy” nella Repubblica Ceca. Oltre a ciò, ha partecipato a corsi di perfezionamento sotto la guida di Rüdiger Bohn, Antonello Allemandi e Lawrence Foster. Molto attivo nel campo della musica moderna, ha lavorato con compositori contemporanei quali Jason Noble, Donald Crockett e Don Freund.    

Si è laureato presso l’Università McGill, dove ha studiato composizione con Brian Cherney, pianoforte con Ilya Poletaev e direzione d’orchestra con Paolo Bellomia e Alexis Hauser. Ha scritto diverse opere per sestetto di fiati, quartetto d’archi, pianoforte,nastro magnetico e orchestra. Nel 2016, si diploma in direzione d’orchestra alla Cleveland Insitute of Music sotto la guida di Carl Topilow. Riceve la borsa Ansbacher offerta dall’American Austrian Foundation nel 2015 e una borsa di perfezionamento dal Canada Council of the Arts nel 2022.

Mezzo italiano e mezzo egiziano, è cresciuto a Montreal, sa quattro lingue e risiede attualmente in Germania.

Der 1991 geborene Dirigent Justin Pambianchi aus Montreal war erster Preisträger beim internationalen Dirigierwettbewerb „Ionel Perlea“ im Juli 2022. Dort hat er auch den Orchesterpreis und Prämien von der Staatsoper Bukarest und von dem Nationaltheater Cluj-Napoca gewonnen.

Justin Pambianchi absolvierte sein Studium bei der McGill-Universität in 2013, wo er Komposition bei Brian Cherney und Klavier bei Ilya Poletaev studiert hat. Er machte seine Fortbildung beim Embodied Conducting Institute in Rumänien und bei der European Music Academy in Tschechien. Er erhielt im 2015 das vom American-Austrian Foundation angebotene „Ansbacher Fellowship for Young Conductors“ und im 2022 durfte er an einem Meisterkurs unter der Leitung von Rüdiger Bohn dank einer Förderung vom Canada Council of the Arts teilnehmen. An weiteren Meisterkursen unter der Leitung von Antonello Allemandi und Lawrence Foster nahm er auch teil.

Nach dem Studienabschluss als Dirigent in 2016 an dem Cleveland Institute of Music sammelte er seine Erfahrung als Korrepetitor und Assistenzdirigent in Amerika und in Europa an der Oper Leipzig (Carmen, La traviata, Don Carlo), am Glimmerglass Festival (Porgy and BessLa gazza ladraSweeney Todd), an der Sarasota Opera (Madama ButterflyDialogues des CarmélitesNorma), bei Opera on the Avalon (La bohèmeThe Turn of the Screw) und am Teatro Municipale in Piacenza (Il trovatore). Während seiner Fortbildung an der Accademia Europea dell'Opera in Lucca trat er zudem als Continuocembalist in Werken von Händel (Giulio Cesare in Egitto), Telemann (Grillen-Symphonie) und anderen Komponisten auf.

Sein symphonisches Repertoire umfasst über 300 Jahre vom Barock zur zeitgenössischen Musik. Zusätzlich setzt er sich für neue Musik ein. Er hat Uraufführungen von Werken von Jason Noble und Shawn Head dirigiert und arbeitet regelmäßig mit zeitgenössischen Komponisten. Sein eigenes Werkverzeichnis umfasst Kammermusik, Solowerke, Werke für Orchester und elektroakustische Werke. 

Der kanadische Dirigent gemischter Abstammung (väterlicherseits italienischen und mütterlicherseits ägyptischen) beherrscht vier Sprachen und hat seinen Wohnsitz in Augsburg.

The Canadian conductor Justin Pambianchi has an understanding of large structures. He doesn't get bogged down in minor details, but rather provides a full, authentic jazz sound. Indeed, jazz is more than just a musical style, it's a way of life, and this is brought acoustically into focus.

Peter Jungblut, BR24, 20.06.2021 ("Chicago", Staatstheater Augsburg)


Justin Pambianchi - Overture to LA FORZA DEL DESTINO

Justin Pambianchi - Overture to LA FORZA DEL DESTINO

Justin Pambianchi - "So anch'io la virtù magica" from DON PASQUALE

Justin Pambianchi - L. van Beethoven: Symphony No. 2 (1st mvt.)


d'Albert, E.


Bellini, V.

I Capuleti e i Montecchi


Bizet, G.


Bock, J.

Fiddler on the Roof

Mozart, W. A.

Così fan tutte

Die Zauberflöte

Don Giovanni

Le nozze di Figaro

La finta giardiniera

Rossini, G.

Bianca e Falliero

Il barbiere di Siviglia

Il viaggio a Reims

La gazza ladra

Le comte Ory

L’Italiana in Algeri

L’occasione fa il ladro

Böhmer, W.

Rockin' Rosie

Britten, B.

The Turn of the Screw

Cimarosa, D.

Il matrimonio segreto

Donizetti, G.

Don Pasquale

Fairouz, Mohammed (1985 - )

The Dictator's Wife

Gershwin, G.

Porgy and Bess

Gluck, C. W.

Orfeo ed Euridice

Paride ed Elena

Gounod, C.


Handel, G. F.

Giulio Cesare in Egitto


Kander, J.


Lehár, F.

Die lustige Witwe

Menken, A.

Sister Act

Menotti, G.

The Consul

Moore, Ben (1960 - )

Robin Hood

Offenbach, J.

La grande duchesse de Gerolstein

Porter, C.

Kiss Me, Kate

Poulenc, F.

Dialogues des Carmélites

Puccini, G.

La bohème

Madama Butterfly

Shostakovich, D.

Moscow, Cheryomuchki

Sondheim, S.

Sweeney Todd

Strauss, J.

Die Fledermaus

Strauss, R.


Ariadne auf Naxos


Sullivan, A.

The Mikado

Verdi, G.


Don Carlo

La traviata

Il trovatore

Un ballo in maschera

Wagner, R.

Der fliegende Holländer

Adam, A.


Beethoven, L. van

The Creatures of Prometheus, Overture

Egmont, Overture

Symphonies Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Berlioz, H.

Le carnaval romain, Overture

Brahms, J

Academic Festival Overture

Symphonies Nos. 1, 4

Variations on a Theme by Haydn

Mendelssohn, F.

Hebrides Overture

Mozart, W. A.

Die Zauberflöte, Overture

Sinfonia concertante for violin and viola K 364

Symphonies Nos. 28, 35, 36, 39

Rossini, GF.

Il barbiere di Siviglia, Overture

La Cenerentola, Overture

La gazza ladra, Overture

La scala di seta, Overture

L’Italiana in Algeri, Overture

Bruch, M.

Romance for Viola and Orchestra

Violin Concerto No. 1 in G minor

Dukas, P.

L'apprenti sorcier

Dvořák, A.

Symphony No. 8

Elgar, E.

Enigma Variations

Fauré, G.

Cantique de Jean Racine, Op. 11

Pavane, Op. 50

Pelléas et Mélisande Suite, Op. 80

Requiem, Op. 48

Haydn, J.

Cello Concerto No. 1 in C Major

Symphony No. 88

Liszt, F.

Piano Concerto No. 1 in E-Flat Major

Saint-Saëns, C.

La muse et le poète, Op. 132

Le Carnaval des animaux

Schubert, F.

Symphony No. 7 in B Minor, "Unfinished"

Strauss, J.

Die Fledermaus, Overture

Tchaikovsky, P. I.

Variations on a Rococo Theme

Suite No. 4, Mozartiana

Symphony No. 5

Violin Concerto

Verdi, G.

La forza del desitno, Overture

Les vêpres siciliennes, Overture

Wagner, R.

Siegfried Idyll

Weber, C. M. von

Der Freischütz, Overture

Crocket, Donald (b. 1951)

to airy thinness beat, chamber concerto for viola and six instruments

Debussy, C.

La mer

Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune

Freund, Don (b. 1947)

Hard Cells

Mixed Blood

Noble, Jason (b. 1980)

Héphaïstos et Poséidon

Prokofiev, S.

Peter and the Wolf

Symphony No. 1

Ravel, M.

Concerto pour la main gauche

Head, Sean (b. 1992)

False Bell for Orchestra

Mobberley, James (b. 1954)

A Hint of Mischief

Toccatas and Interludes

Stravinsky, I.

Dumbarton Oaks Concerto

Firebird Suite (1919)

L’histoire du soldat

Pulcinella Suite

Zender, H.

Schuberts „Winterreise“: eine komponierte Interpretation


Jul 14

Jul 14, 2025


Aug 19, 2025

Pesaro, Auditorium Scavolini
Rossini Opera Festival, Il Viaggio a Reims

Maestro collaboratore di sala e di palcoscenico

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